Greetings and saturations, y’all. We’ve reached the middle of the week. I woke up a little early, because Chaucer had a meltdown in the kitchen. I unglued my eyelids, then jammed the mask down over my face in hopes that I might get another hour of sleep.
The weather shifted yesterday, with clouds coming in and the wind picking up a lot by the time we made dinner. It wasn’t optimal outdoor spin time weather. I probably would have been beaned in the head with poi if I tried. Instead, since my order of elastic came in, I finished my red genie pants. Someone slap the shit out of me if I ever decide to make something out of satin sheets ever again.
Shawshank did yard maintenance at work, bringing home some cuttings and things to put in our little yard. Maybe they’ll grow. He left a couple of hours early, and took me out to the secondhand shop. I picked up four more sheets.
- Batman (from 2005!)
- Spiderman (2009)
- My Little Pony (Friendship is Magic incarnation, not my MLP)
- a vintage floral that smells like old people

I started ironing fabric pretty much immediately when we came home. I’m nearly finished with some Batpants, I only need to put the elastic in them. I’m never wearing real pants again. Shawshank says he’s going to throw out all my jeans and is making suggestions for how to “winterize” the genie pants.
I have crafty plans today. I plan to finish the Batpants, and I need to insert some snaps in a quilt/duvet cover Shawshank‘s mom made us. My new tripod also came in yesterday’s mail, so maybe I can generate some new content this week as well.