interview (that happened)

interview (that happened)

Morning, my bitches. I’m looking at a sunny and clear day, but I woke up freezing. Chaucer likes to sleep on the bed with me, but doesn’t snuggle like Mal would. I miss the convenience of kitty-generated heat.

I hesitate to say that the interview went well. However, I will say that it definitely wasn’t bad. Like, he showed up this time, so right there was a plus. He asked why I wanted to get into the cannabis industry. I trotted out my resume headline, something like how I wanted to move into an emerging field of healthcare. Additionally, I’d seen firsthand how shitty the opioid crisis and addiction in the US is.

I expanded on that, explaining that I was in retail pharmacy for 15 years, and I’ve seen the industry change from a focus on healthcare to metrics. Retail pharmacy sucks compared to what it was like 15 years ago. In a lot of cases, patients don’t consider pharmacy to be healthcare. Pharmacy staff is treated – and in the techs’ cases paid – like fast food employees.

I was completely honest about my lack of experience in the industry. I know my own experiences with vapes and pipes and bongs, as well as basic indica vs. sativa knowledge. Beyond that, I’d have to learn. But that’s not a bad thing at all. I love learning new shit. When it’s a topic I’m interested in, I absorb that shit like a sponge.

I think we might go to Hobby Lobby today. Mom wants some new whirligigs for the garden.


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