impolite little shite

impolite little shite

Allo allo, girls, guys, gays, and theys. Welcome to a new week. ARE YOU FUCKING READY FOR IT?

According to the weather reports, we can expect a typical panhandle day. Sunshine, but with thunderstorms here and there. Will we see one? Who knows. It’s a mystery and a surprise until a storm cloud suddenly shows up and we’re soaked.

Yesterday was a typical Sunday. We went to the Compound, where we watched YouTube videos about camper builds until the queue was exhausted and they turned on racing. The puppy is getting big, but her manners are getting worse. Brian’s parents have had her for about a month. They’ve only just started trying to house train her in the last week or two, so you have to pay attention or you’ll find a puddle or a pile. The pup bites everyone’s hands and feet, except mine, because I DON’T FUCKING LET HER. She nipped Mom twice in the arm, and Brian’s mother said the pup has bitten the two of them several times. At least once a day.

We don’t have anything planned for today. There’s nothing on our agenda until an appointment on Thursday. Brian has friends visiting for the upcoming weekend, and I’m sure we’ll see them at least once or twice. I’ll probably have to decide how miserable I want to be if we’re invited out for a cookout. I could be there and eat too much and have to watch everyone get trashed, or I could stay at the house and be alone, but could amuse myself in some way that I actually enjoy.

I might stay in today, and go outside tonight for some poi. I have things I can paint indoors, and if I’m not into painting, there’s Netflix and Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen. If the weather is not too awful, I could score some spin time in the afternoon. I’m still waiting for the shipping notification for my new set of poi. According to Etsy, Flow on Fire should ship them out this week.


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