I’m going to drink tonight.

I’m going to drink tonight.

IT’S FINALLY FRIDAY. This week has been really awful at work. The phones are still broken. Useless pharmacist is still useless. When I walked in, he proceeded to ask me about a narcotic audit. I’m at the point where I don’t even hide my annoyance with him and his dumbass questions. In fact, I’m quickly reaching the point where I want to ask if he actually has some sort of mental issue, or if he asks just because he wants to piss me off. If his brain is firing on all cylinders, there is no need to ask the same fucking questions every shift.

Yesterday, he insisted we were missing a narcotic order that should have come in. Pharmacists are required to audit the CII (narcotics and ADHD meds, essentially everything kept in the safe) orders when they’re delivered. Randomly, the system will require us to audit a tote in the regular order. He was completely confused because yesterday was a random tote audit and it was for the tote that held the regular controlled substances. “But it’s only CII that get audited not the regular controls”, he kept insisting.

Listen, Fucknuts McOxygenthief, just because YOU have never done it before doesn’t mean it never happens. Hours after the order arrived and the audit happened (which he completely screwed up, by the way), he brought it up AGAIN.

But today is Friday.

It’s an early shift, since I’ve switched schedules with DayTech today. While I wish I could do my regular Friday morning workout, I’m eager to start the weekend. Last night, Shawshank told me to stop and pick up something good for dinner. “I think you should get some steak and make steak sandwich wraps tomorrow with A1 all slathered on it with a yummy side dish”, he said. I’ll come home early, I can change into something comfy, make a yummy dinner. I’ll probably have an adult beverage, and spin some poi in the yard.

Speaking of poi, Shawshank‘s set should arrive today. Yay! Let the alien invasion of TinyTown begin.

1 Comment

  1. I can’t wait for my package to arrive. You’ll have to give me a watch list of BASIC poi moves. It’s been so long. Happy fri-yay!

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