I see you shiver with antici

I see you shiver with antici

Yay! Saturday is here! It’s supposed to be a gorgeous weekend, with sunshine and a super small chance of showers. I charged the poi, and I have two White Claws in the fridge for my Saturday treat.

This has been an absolutely exhausting work week. We received two shipments of flu shots. StressedRPh says we’ll start to promote them next week. The cut in hours has made it difficult to do everything corporate wants us to do. When you factor in being short-handed on Monday and the loss of nearly three hours when the power went out on Tuesday, we were behind from the very beginning.

In case anyone was wondering, I ordered dinner last night.

I know this is very important information, and all nine of you were waiting with bated breath to know what I’d decided.

Weekend Plans

This weekend, I want to go though the house and totally purge everything that

  • isn’t needed right now
  • won’t make the journey with me

It will be The Great Sort on steroids. I have a box of giant trash bags – two if I haven’t thrown out the box of off-brand bags that suck. I want to start with the stairs and clear the miscellaneous stuff determined to trip me. Then, I’ll bag or box up everything that’s going out. There’s boxes in the back of the truck, and I’ll put them to good use. I’ll put on my headphones and turn up the music. Shawshank has promised to act like I’m at work and not disturb me too much, so I can do as much as I can with minimal distractions.

I’ll take suggestions for what to listen to, otherwise I’ll toss on some Radio Caley and ignore y’all for the rest of the day.

I mostly want to clear out the kuddelmuddel. iIve sold off most of the Lego a this point. The only collection left is the Funko Pop collection. I may just stick that on eBay. Once I’ve bagged and boxed all the shit, it can sit in the dining room for a couple of days. I’ll haul it all outside on Tuesday night, then I can sell the stuff that the clutter sat on, filled, or surrounded. I might bring some of the bigger stuff outside for the local pickers to grab this afternoon.

Tonight is #selfcaresaturday. I don’t really have a plan. I might take the poi out for a little while. My other idea is to park my ass on the couch – I know, way to do something different, Chicky – and root the hair on the custom pony I’ve procrastinated on for 6 years now. Maybe I’ll tell a story. Who wants a story from my life? Are you curious about something I’ve mentioned about me or work?

Oh well. Time to put some pants on and GET SHIT DONE.

1 Comment

  1. My vote is for some poi and polka music on the speaker.

    Oompa oompa!

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