This morning is gray and gross and rainy, and it’s not helping my attitude this week. My sleep was ok, although I woke up a few times. That sucked. Mal slept in bed with me all night, which was the one good thing. Both cats came into the bed, actually. I’ll take kitty-loves however I can get them.
I spent most of yesterday scrolling mindlessly through the internet. I simply didn’t have the brain power to do anything more than sit. Although I’m not back to 100%, this weekend’s activities and the resulting fog are starting to fade from my system. Mostly, I feel properly wrung out. Like, everything is twisted up tight.

Can you pay my telephone bills? Do you pay my automo’ bills?…
I sat down last night and went through my mail. Most of it could be tossed because it was junk that Mom wouldn’t toss. Just in case I actually wanted one of the credit cards or something, right? The RI DMV wants me to renew my license. Well, that’s not happening. Toss. My truck’s registration is due to be renewed, about $180 for the next couple of years. Keep.

The bill from October’s ER visit finally came in at some point in December. At about $2500, it was more than I’d have liked, but at the same time was less than what I expected. I set it aside, along with the overdue radiology bill, to pay sometime today.
I woke up to a text message this morning from them. They wanted to notify me the bill is now considered overdue. But…. oh joy! A discount! They took about $750 off, which makes things a lot more tolerable to me.
Today, I plan to actually assume a human form. The weather forecast is calling for rain all day, which sucks ass. I need to mail a couple of presents, but I sort of don’t want to do anything because I’m still having Slinky moments. I’ll probably do nothing but snuggle Mal while doing other activities in my chair, like read, chat with Shawshank, or play with the Switch. If he won’t sit in my lap, I might try to sketch some stuff for paintings.
If your drivers just expired you can use it to get a Canadian one when you cross the border- they accept it so you don’t have to test again if it’s only been a year since expiry. I guess unless you have one based in your moms house?
Yep! I’ve been officially a FL resident since last August, it’s the RI people who think I need to renew it.