Greetings and salutations, my friends. It’s Wednesday. Whoopty fucking doo.
Yesterday was a long shift. I’m sure a lot of that had to do with the fact I was out of the house so early. I left almost two hours earlier than my shift started because of the first house showing. Work was just busy enough to prevent us from actually doing anything that needed to be done. I’m pretty sure I left 25 scripts to fill when I left at 7pm.
At one point, StressedRPh said something to the store manager about how we still didn’t have a set “last day” for me. This was news to me, since I said I couldn’t stay after the December 31st. “You can have me until Christmas Eve or New Year’s Eve”, I said. “But if you want me to stay until New Year’s Eve and you want to do a party for me, it has to be on Christmas Eve when DayTech isn’t on vacation yet.”
So it’s official.

Today it’s in writing.
There were six house showings yesterday, and there’s three more scheduled for today. Shawshank asked what I was going to do if someone put in a really low offer on the house. I’ll let the agent deal with the negotiations. I expect there will probably be some dealing, especially since there are some repairs that need to be made.
Both of the cats were out and about when I came home, unlike when I came back after Monday’s showing. I feel terrible for the stress this is probably causing them. All I can do is give them all the loves when I come home. One of today’s showings is after work, which means I can’t feed the cats until after the people leave. One of the cats is guaranteed to throw up. The last thing I need is for it to happen before the people walk through.
However, I’ll use that time to check whether the Chinese restaurant is open, and pick up some stuff for Thanksgiving treats for me.
It’s going to be another long day. But, I have tomorrow off, which will be a welcome relief, even if I am alone for the holiday.
Today is a good day, to have a good day ❤️