Hello, Thursday sunshine.

Happy Thursday, my lovelies. It’s going to be another nice one here, and I’m hoping there’s enough light when I get home to take pictures of his Funko Pop collection. I’d like to sell some and ship them out this weekend. My other plan is selling some NES cartridges, and some DVDs. If I can find and carry the box of comics out of the basement, that will come with me as well.

It’s another early shift for me today. I wanted to do a workout this morning, but I forgot to look at my schedule. I’ll live, I guess. StressedRPh is there, and hopefully she won’t be too bad. She’s a little stressed about her trip to Italy, but she wasn’t awful yesterday. After today’s shift, I won’t have to work with her for three weeks. However, I’ll have to deal with fill-in pharmacists, which has its own batch of problems. BossRPh offered to let me have a day off next week, and I’ll have an entire day to get cleaning.

And oh boy, do I need to clean.

The house looks like a fucking bomb went off in the pink room, blowing everything into the dining room. It’s not pretty. The mess also has the side effect of driving Mal absolutely bonkers for some reason, causing him to meow NONSTOP at the dining room table. Sure, it’s annoying as fuck, but he’s a weird little cat. I mostly want to clean because I’m embarrassed by the mess. It should be easier tonight; he’s not calling, and I’ve packed his bag up. Now, I no longer have the excuse “I can’t do anything until I pack for him.”

When my mom moved south, she saved so much stuff for us. A lot of it was stuff with sentimental value to her, or things from my childhood. For the most part, it was a lot of things she couldn’t bear to throw out herself, but didn’t have room for in her own house. We threw most of it in the closet after we opened the box. Now, I’m tasked with sorting through it all, and determining if it’s something I need to keep, or should have thrown out when it first arrived here. Things like my baby book, I’ll send back to her. However, the 40-year old fleece blanket earned by eating a LOT of Green Giant frozen vegetables and saving proof of purchase, that can probably be tossed out.

The amount of knickknacks we have from my grandmother is also an issue. She had been living in Mom‘s finished basement for a few years before she passed. A year after she passed, we moved into her space. My mother couldn’t clear out her space, and it was up to us to do it. However, we didn’t have a lot of our own, and Nanny’s death was still too fresh for any of us to give up much of her things. For us, it was a instant home, filled with nostalgic treasures blended with our own things, forming our own unique style. When we bought this place, we brought a lot of it with us.

Now, it’s up to me to clear it out.


  1. John H
    March 5, 2020

    Hey Crystal, let me know when you post those NES games, might be interested in some of those. Keep the faith 👍👍

    • crystal
      March 5, 2020

      I was planning on just trading them in at the local vintage toy/comic/gaming shop. Drop me a line and let me know what you want though and I’ll keep them out of the trade-in box!

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