Grab a mug and have a seat

Grab a mug and have a seat

Happy humpday. I made coffee. Help yourself.

i introduced Mom to Good Omens last night. I didn’t tell her anything about it. On top of that, as much as she reads, it’s mostly suspense and mystery novels. She went into the show with absolutely no ideas about it, and enjoyed the first episode.

My allergies have kicked in this morning. My nose is just stuffy and runny enough to be annoying. Hopefully, the fog that’s covering everything will keep some of the pollen down until Saturday’s showers wash it away.

Mom will be going out for a couple of hours today, to clean a friend’s house. I can spend some time in the yard, smoking half a joint and practicing with the poi or the staff.

Honestly, I probably won’t smoke, and if I do it wouldn’t be much more than a hour or two. Mom’s hip has been giving her a lot of trouble this week. I worry something will happen while she’s out and I’ll have to go pick her up to drive her to an urgent care. I should probably be sober for that.

Maybe I’ll do a workout. I feel like I need one. Unfortunately, I’m having difficulty motivating myself to do any activities other than mentally beating myself these last couple of days.

On the other hand, maybe I’ll actually go to the pho place down the road, like I’ve been wanting to. That would completely undo the good of a workout, so I probably won’t go.

Whatever happens, I’ll still find some way to be annoyed and/or unhappy about it.


  1. I think a kickass workout, Pho, and flow after would be a good mental health day for you.

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