goblin mode trash panda

Thursday? I think. I had a crap night; not as bad as some, but it’s been better. I woke up with a start at 12:55am, very angry at myself for waking up, unable to breathe and choking on a wad of phlegm. It was not a pleasant way to wake up. I handled the situation and went back to bed, only to wake up at least once more. One of the cats came up for a snuggle, then the other, and I overheated. I was awake about an hour before the alarm was set to wake us.

I let sloth mode turn into GOBLIN MODE yesterday. I planned to do stuff. I put on some makeup with the intention of working at some point, then got sucked into watching Alex Murdaugh lie to investigators. I set the laptop up on the foot rest, and watched/listened to the trial while I played Breath of The Wild on TV. Sadly, I was distracted, lost track of time, and absolutely didn’t do a fucking thing for the rest of the day. Between watching the murder trial and playing my game, I accomplished nothing.

I’m making the effort to do more this morning. Shawshank and I planned out my “work” for the next few days, and I’m going to be a better person today.



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