Goals, again

Goals, again

More thunderstorms. I’m very ok with this. Thunderstorms are a lovely way to wake up. It’s warm, but not as warm as it has been. I like the heat, so it doesn’t matter. Shawshank, on the other hand, says he’s in pants and chilly. Such a temp difference.

Unfortunately, the downside of the storms is scared kitties. Mal just slunk across the living room, into Mom‘s room and whatever safe place he’s found. And as much as I love the storms, I’m beginning to hate what they mean.

I’m getting restless. I only started noticing it in the last week or two. It’s harder to sit and do nothing all day, every day. I want to get out of the house. Even if it’s just the backyard, I can’t sit and stare at these walls any more. I need to do more than sit, and I need to take care of me. I’m binging “Breaking Bad” while I put on makeup in the mornings. There’s afternoon and evening poi.

Anything to get out.

I slipped a workout in between storms yesterday. I was miserable and hot and wanted to go longer but just couldn’t. After dinner, I went out for some spin time. I’d taken a break because of the rain and soreness, and took it easy last night. Things were still damp, but not wet enough to mess with my footing. Again, anything to be out and doing something.

Last Friday, we went out for Chinese again. My fortune cookie was fabulous.

Goals. I need to get out before I grow roots (and get any fatter).

Today… I don’t know. Maybe going to Walmart to buy cat food. Human form, for starters, then we’ll go from there. Enjoy your Tuesday, my friends.


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