Go With the Flow

Go With the Flow

Lo, and the Wednesday was upon us, with its hump before us. They woke to coffee and sunshine, and the cries of the cats were pitiful with hunger.

It wasn’t a night to sleep on top of the blankets, and I was a little chilly when the alarm went off at 5:30am. At that point there’s no sense in going under the covers. In fact, it’s probably the worst idea, because then I’ll never get out of bed.

Yesterday’s shift wasn’t a split shift after all; it’s all StressedRPh, all the time this week. It wasn’t a bad shift, but it was just very steady. I don’t look forward to today’s shift, because DayTech doesn’t come in until after lunch. We can expect about five hours of shitstorm. StressedRPh will verify and I’ll do literally every single other thing.

I was all excited to come home and make a delicious chicken wrap with bacon and some of my homemade Caesar dressing. Unfortunately, I’d dropped enough chicken and bacon in the pan for two wraps, but only had one wrap in the package. I ended up with a fajita bowl instead. Tonight, I’m supposed to have some breakfast for dinner, but I might have some Brussels sprouts instead. The Caesar dressing is delicious on the roasted sprouts, but I also made a great citrus vinaigrette on Monday. Decisions.

Since it’s trash day, two more giant bags of random trash went out as well as a set of 1960’s medical encyclopedias. The three eBay auctions went out yesterday morning; everything else was reset. One of the auctions that didn’t sell in the first round has a bid this time around. It’s only $15, but whatever. I’m considering putting up a mini-shop on the blog and filling it with some of the random extra things that would be a bitch to try to move elsewhere.

Honestly, I just want to sell something big so I have an excuse to be able to buy my next set of poi. I told Shawshank I decided I’d rather have the ones from Flowtoys (the spin 9 Vision Poi) after all. While the super fancy set is nice for the price ($280), their core programming and the interface used to creating “shows” is pretty dodgy in some aspects. Additionally, the Flowtoys set comes with some benefits that are considered upgrades on the super fancy set. Like, I’d need to pay extra just to have decent tethers, which sucks because why would you want to have cheap cords and finger loops for something that expensive to start. It’s an extra $65 ON TOP of that to make them sync up. AND THEN there’s the cost for shipping from Russia. Nope, I’ll stick to my Flowtoys, thanks.

Now, I just need to sell $300 worth of junk.


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