go shawty

go shawty

Good morning, and happy fucking birthday to me. One more year around the sun. Whoopty fucking doo.

I kicked it at home yesterday, as planned. Shawshank‘s been watching me play Breath of The Wild for the past couple of days. I knew there was a cut scene coming up, so I had him load the game before he went to work so he didn’t miss it.

While Shawshank might have thought I played all day, I took a break for a few hours in the middle of the day to assume a human form. I snacked on some cereal. I tried on most of the things that finally came in from China. There was one item that I thought was a loss, but it turned out to be more … forgiving than I initially thought. I took a handful of pics and then put on real clothing before Shawshank came home from work.

Since today is Sunday, we’ll be heading out to Shady Acres for dinner. I expect my mother will call or something at some point. There’s always a risk of a Facetime request, so I need to be a real human.


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