FYI:  It’s Not Tuesday.

FYI: It’s Not Tuesday.

Did I put sugar in my tea this morning? I feel like I did. But it tastes like I didn’t. Weird.

Then again, I woke up thinking today was Tuesday. I’ve thought the same thing every morning since Wednesday morning. Who knows if there’s actually sugar in there.

Today, in his excitement for breakfast, Chaucer worked himself up so much that he threw up before he had food. However, he hasn’t been vomiting nearly as much since I started adding the wet food to their diet. I’ll consider it a good trade.

I spent more of yesterday working on my “packing Tetris”. Taking down everything I’d already stacked, I moved everything to the dining room so I had a better view. There was only a slight snag where I briefly freaked out. In moving them out of the Pink Room, I forgot about the basket in the truck and forgot to leave a space for it. Fortunately, it was an easy fix with a little bit of shuffling, but I was close to a meltdown for a good 20 seconds. Unless something else turns up that absolutely needs to be in the truck, I should be good.

Another old boyfriend found me on Facebook and messaged me last night. He explained he was looking up people from his past who had made an impact on him. I told him I hoped it had been at least an average impact, and not something like “holy shit, bitch is cray-cray”. He told me it was a positive impact, and apologized for the way things ended with us. He was young and confused as fuck, and he’s sorry.

Um, I don’t even really remember how things ended.

That was about 25 years ago. I remember he was young, and stupid, but I think that’s the general description of any 17 year old.

I also spoke to our agent yesterday. She’s still frustrated about the state of things. The major hold up is a missing estimate for concrete repair. They need two, they only have one. Once they have the estimate, we can move on to the next potential issue: approval. Right now they’re unsure if they’ll need to fix the concrete first, or if they can hold the repair costs in escrow and delay it until after the closing.

Our agent is pushing to frame it like any other seasonally restricted repairs. They can push off repairs for 60-90 days for things like sewer repairs in the winter, they probably shouldn’t be working on cement steps in the middle of winter.

Regardless, it doesn’t look like I’ll be leaving next week. That sucks. I was hoping I would be on the road, then I’d have an excuse to be alone for my birthday.

No, Google, I fucking don’t.

It’s the weekend. I put my TV and its stand up for sale, as planned. I might go visit an aunt this afternoon, return her taxidermy, if she’ll be home. Tonight, I’ll order myself something yummy to eat and watch some good TV, while I still have one.


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