fumbling in the dark

fumbling in the dark

I haven’t even had a sip of my coffee yet, but Chaucer has already puked on the rug. Welcome to the new week. The skies out the backdoor are sunny, but the front yard is overcast. It’s going to be that kind of day.

We both had rough times last night. Shawshank tweaked the voltage on his new vape and found the sweet spot and got way too high. He went to bed way earlier than usual – and it already would be an early night – and I followed a bit later. In my case, I woke up around 3:30am with a coughing fit. I fumbled under my pillows, blindly searching for my inhaler among the assortment of treasures hidden beneath. Chaucer yelled at me for waking him up. For a hot minute I thought I was going to have problems; I couldn’t find the inhaler at first and worried I’d actually have to leave the bed. Fortunately, it turned up. I sucked off two puffs and slept until Shawshank kissed me goodbye this morning.

Shawshank skipped our regular Sunday brunch, as we expected a big dinner at Shady Acres later. He puttered while I played “Monster Hunter: Rise” for most of the afternoon. Shawshank‘s mom made him a big turkey dinner for his birthday. There was cheesecake for dessert.

Today is his only really early shift this week. I plan to get dressed and try to get that one last achievement I need for this month’s Just Dance event.


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