full dark allstars

full dark allstars

Good morning to the world of people out there who might stumble across this some day. Welcome to Thursday, I’ll be your host. There’s a bit of sunlight peeking over the horizon and I saw some pink streaks of clouds outside. I don’t think I’ll be so lucky to get another lovely day like yesterday, but if I do, I’ll be sure to enjoy it.

I had a better sleep last night, so maybe taking my melatonin immediately before bed helped. I don’t think I was up as early as I have been. Nor were we up in the middle of the night with feline shenanigans. I seem to remember needing two or three weeks to adjust to Shawshank‘s mattress and pillows when I visited last year. There are big differences between his bed and mine back in Florida, the biggest being the fact that I’m sharing the bed. When we go into the city in a couple of weeks, we’re buying new pillows.

Yesterday was an absolutely beautiful day. The skies were clear, and the wind was barely a breeze. I took advantage of everything and went outside for some spin time no less than three times. I wore myself out with two afternoon sessions, and napped on the couch before Shawshank came home. We enjoyed our pipes on the back stoop just before dinner, and I asked him to take me just outside the edge of town after dark.

We had a couple of chances to do this earlier in the week, but the moon was full and I knew it would be really bright out there. I wanted my first time out there to be full dark.

And that’s exactly what I got.

The Flat is about four houses from the edge of town. The paved road ends with a gate and turns into gravel. There is a point when walking where the light from the town road suddenly disappears and it’s just absolute blackness. It’s not even a gradual loss of light, either. No, it’s abruptly gone: the light is there, and then there’s suddenly nothing but stars.


Replying to @oui.ja.yes.si this is 4 houses down from mine, just beyond town limit. it’s absolutely surreal. #flowartscommunity #flowarts #poi #ledpoi

♬ Stars Will Fall – Duster

Spinning in the dark like that was absolutely surreal. On one side of me is the town, with a street light near the end of the road. On the other side, nothing but black sky and stars. The darkness was almost distracting. My next goal is a winter night with the ground covered in snow.

I’m going to try to go out and spin some more this afternoon. I’m working on not caring what the town thinks of me.


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