

Good morning, world. Happy Sunday.

We did the things we needed to do yesterday. The Hot Mess Express reluctantly started up for us. Most everything in the truck protested: dim LCD screens, CD player that seemed to have lost the plot, a blanket refusal to output any heat for at least 15 minutes. Once the heat started working, Shawshank cleared the snow off the truck, and we headed out to Slightly BiggerTown.


sadly we didn’t capture the sundog on camera, but here’s one more bit of snow on the prairie for good measure

♬ ItsbeginningtolookalotlikefThis – Nathan Gibson

While it was very cold and a bit on the windy side, the roads were pretty clear. It was overcast when we left the house, but most of the clouds moved out by the time we were driving home. Once again, we forgot the shopping list on the kitchen table. We only missed one thing this week – cat litter – but we can buy that here in town. While we forgot the list, Shawshank remembered to stuff some coupons in his pocket, making lunch cheaper than usual. One thing in our favor, right?

We spent the rest of the day on the couch. I edited my weekly(-ish) “on the road” video while Shawshank played No Man’s Sky and scored himself a fucking squid ship. Later, I played “Disco Elysium”, and made some progress and a little bit of money. I’m still no closer to solving the case, but I’ve learned a little more info on a few characters, and none of it good.

Normally, we’d go to Shady Acres for Sunday dinner tonight, but Shawshank‘s mom has been dealing with his dad’s man flu lately. She’s beat, and doesn’t need the pressure of entertaining. We’re having brunch and puttering for the day.


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