
The weather outside is frightful.

Yo, it’s another morning, AND it’s the weekend. It’s time to get up and deal with the world. I’ve been up since around 5:30ish, I think. I couldn’t tell you what woke me up. I had probably gotten caught up in the blankets and reached max thermal levels. The bed was cozy, because I hadn’t turned my side of the bed off before going to sleep last night. I was prepared for this morning’s forecast.

We closed out the work week on good notes. Due to a medical emergency, Shawshank‘s work schedule flipped yesterday. He went in for the early shift, and I spent the early half of the day doing live shows on TikTok. I spun poi, and chatted with a few people who stopped in.

Spin time ran for around 45 minutes, which is long enough for me to get a decent variety of moves in clips. No one likes the black light streams unless I’m right up close to it, preferably glowing. As soon as I turned on a real light, the number of people who stopped in to watch instead of scrolling past doubled. A few people chatted, but not many. Once I felt like I had enough stuff to make a few videos, I logged out and cleaned up the living room a bit. I’ve been in my funk this week and haven’t done much gaming, so I curled up on the couch, controller in hand, chatting and streaming while I played “Hades“. Streaming netted me about $10, but I did manage one achievement: I hit 10k followers on TikTok.

This is the most popular I’ve ever been in my life.

Providing that we can get out of town today, we’re heading out to Slightly BiggerTown for some grocery basics. We shouldn’t have any problems, we haven’t seen any accumulation lately and the roads should be just fine. We’ve got coupons to save us some money on Shawshank‘s lunch. Once we’re back, we don’t need to leave the house.

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