Finally. The end of the week.

Friday. Friiiiiiiday. Fuck yes.

It’s been a long week. We have another fill-in pharmacist today. I’m hopeful they are better than the arrogant little shit we had yesterday. DayTech has the day off, leaving me alone with the fill-in and NewTech. StressedRPh is still in quarantine for at least another week. DayTech and I hope she uses that time to remove the stick from her ass. In response to the pandemic and the ways it’s affecting us at work, corporate is saying we might be able to wear jeans next week.

This is going to be a fun-filled weekend of GETTING SHIT DONE. I’ve got three boxes of Lego, and the possibility of at least one or two more, to mail out tomorrow morning. I’ll be cleaning the bathroom, and disposing of the hoard of half-filled soaps and hair products. At some point, I need to go to the pet store for Chaucer‘s fancy princess cat food. I’ll get a couple of harnesses for both boys while there, as I want to get them used to the feel of wearing it. Lastly, I want to finally get the Pink Room cleaned out – there’s still a lot of clutter in there.

But first, I need to survive today. Let’s get moving.

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