Extra Shit

Extra Shit

I don’t know what the Kentucky fried fuck is going on with these cats, but someone threw up EVERYWHERE this morning. On the big list of things I want to do when I haul my ass out of bed, using half a roll of paper towels to clean up a fucking puddle of vomit.

Let alone three puddles.

Oh, and one stray poo next to the water dish.

So, it’s another phone call to be made to the vet. I didn’t call earlier this week because everyone’s tummy and poo seemed normal again the next day. Even if the vet can’t see him this morning, I’m going to call and at least be like, “can you take this bag of poo and figure out what his problem is”.

I went out yesterday and bought everything I needed to make dinner last night. Initially, the plan was to buy sweet potatoes. Typical for me, however, I ended up with extra shit. I made some shrimp soft tacos with a mango chili chutney. Mom hadn’t had any of it before, and loved it.

Last night, I tweaked my route north slightly. I checked the border crossing that Google suggested, and discovered it is only open until 5pm. I didn’t want to deal with a time constraint like that, because it would run way too close for my comfort. Instead, I opted to deal with an extra hour drive to use a much bigger crossing a little farther west.

It’s not as shitty outside today. Brian is home from work. Right now, it’s pretty overcast, but there’s a little bit of sun struggling to break through. Mom will find something for him to do around the house, I’m sure. I’m hoping to get some outdoor time as well.


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