Ends, and beginnings

Ends, and beginnings

Yesterday sucked. It was soul-suckingly awful.

There’s no other way to put it.

We got there early, because that’s what he does. He was slated to be seen at 9:30 am, and popped out of the courtroom to update me at about 11:30. “They’re on recess right now, and they need to get one of the assistant district attorneys in to do the pleas after that. He says he’ll get me out ASAP.” It was about 1pm when he finally got out, and then it was downstairs to the probation office for paperwork and stuff. He’s got appointments and meetings with probation office on Thursday and Friday morning as well.

I know if I’m stressed about things, I can’t imagine what he might be going through.

I know this is just the beginning of a long line of appointments for him, and the neverending stress and scrutiny that comes with being on probation. There’s nothing I can do to help him.

I was supposed to be in work for a closing shift. DayTech messaged me and BossRPh to say it was chaos and she and StressedRPh were getting slammed, and StressedRPh messaged me to say she wanted me in. About a half hour later, she texted to tell me they were caught up and not to bother coming in. I think BossRPh told her to get the queue finished and not to make more work for herself by having me come in for late shift.

It’s a regular shift for me today, and I’m trying to make it as normal as I can. I did a 45 minute workout to try and take the edge off the anxiety that built up over the last few days. As much as I try not to use food as a reward, I’m really looking forward to our dinner plans tonight.

I’m just wanting some normalcy for a little while.