Tag: courthouse

November 19, 2019 / Legal Matters

Yesterday sucked. It was soul-suckingly awful. There’s no other way to put it. We got there early, because that’s what he does. He was slated to be seen at 9:30 am, and popped out of the courtroom to update me at about 11:30. “They’re on recess right now, and they need to get one of…

November 18, 2019 / Family

It’s Monday again. I’m spending the morning outside the courtroom, in the same loud hallway I was in two weeks ago, sitting on the same cold, metal bench. He just wants to get past all of this, to the point where he’s taking a shitty plea offer in exchange for risking jail time if he…

November 7, 2019 / It's Story Time

There’s nothing like a trip to the courthouse to make me feel both totally relieved and scared as hell. I feel like I’m living in the audience of a game show studio right now. Tiny, flashing lights blink in dizzying patterns on a light blue backdrop behind the stage. There’s an arched entrance to the…