And She Sits There By The Wall

Hey look. It’s finally Friday.

I shipped one of my beloved LED poi back to Flowtoys yesterday. Hopefully they can fix it and send it back out to me ASAP. Last night, I spent some time outside with what I’ve named the “emergency poi”. They’re not the same. In a way, they’re helpful for practice. I can’t see them, so I’m forced to “spin blind”.

However, I miss the light show.

Yesterday, I went in for my regular shift at noon. DayTech told me, “it hasn’t been that bad, we’ve only done like one or two flu shots”. She left at 2pm, and that’s when the shit hit the fan. We did about ten vaccines in the following two hours. This year’s a little different. It’s easier and faster to process the flu shots, which is good. On the other hand, it seems like processing them itself is an absolute crap shoot. Which insurance will cover it? Who knows anymore. At least twice yesterday, we had an insurance reject paying for the shot, but then allow it to go through after a game of trial and error with different insurances.

The junk guys are coming this morning. They just called and said they’ll be here in a little while. I spent a mad 15 minutes stripping the sheets and blankets and making sure there’s no random sex toys adult novelties under the bed. If the company gives me a good number, most of the furniture in the house will be gone in about an hour. It’s progress in the right direction.

I’ve been ordered to keep a couple of the couch cushions to sleep on.

One of DayTech’s kids sprained her ankle in dance class again. I’m a little worried that I’ll be asked to come in early so DayTech can stay home with her. Depending on how quickly these guys are done, I might have to decline. No one at work knows about the junk pickup, and I’d like to keep it that way for the time being.


The junk guys just left.  They gave me a quote that was about $150 higher than the other company, but after a call to “the boss”, they matched it for me.  The living room is empty.  The bedroom is empty.  The cats are missing.

Update 2:

Chaucer just came out, which means Mal might not be far behind.

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