Doom, Gloom, and Walmart

Doom, Gloom, and Walmart

It’s another gloomy day on the panhandle. Mom says it’s never like this. There’s rain, but it’s more of daily nuisance that shows up for an hour or so. She decided it’s my fault for buying cute bathing suits that can’t even be used yet.

We should be going shopping at some point. Normally we would’ve gone out yesterday after Brian came home from work. However, he stopped on the way home to pick up some necessities and we didn’t go out. Today, Mom wants to go into Alabama to see what we could find for summer clothes to send up too my nephews. We’re not sure if we will. It’s gray and she says the rain would make it a bad drive it sucks to cross the bridge in the rain. Either way, I’m sure we’ll go food shopping near the house, regardless of weather.

I started a new wreath yesterday. I managed to get about ⅓ of it finished during an afternoon Law & Order binge. Brian’s mom came over in the afternoon, and claimed a finished one. I made a mistake when I ordered the blanks wreaths last week. I had ordered a heart-shaped one – the cheapest I could find – but didn’t realize it already had flowers on it. It doesn’t make sense, the blank base being more expensive than the one with flowers. However, I’ve given up on the logic of pricing anything. Fifteen years in pharmacy, seeing the wild prices on stuff has left me a bit jaded about the topic of costs.

My phone just announced the approach of rain, which should start in about 37 minutes. I’m going to put on my human suit and pretend to be normal for a day. Enjoy your Saturday, my friends.


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