dank ass blueberry

dank ass blueberry

Greetings, I bid you a good day. The morning is sunny and clear, but the forecast is threatening us with some rain later in the day. From the reports, it’s a little less likely than we originally expected that we’ll see rain today. Who knows what we’ll actually get. Florida operates by strange weather rules.

Yesterday was another slow day. Mom cleaned out her bird feeders, and I played Baldur’s Gate 2 all afternoon. I decided to try and work on the main story line a little. Unfortunately, the game’s quest “journal” leaves a lot to be desired. It’s impossible to tell which of the several unfinished quests in the list are the important, plot-moving quests. I really try to go through everything without relying on searching for answers online. However, there’s just so much information listed, and yet there’s nothing at the same time. I’ve adopted a new tactic: I just pick a quest and try to finish it in a day.

Here, all days are slow days; Florida operates by its own rules for time as well.

We had dinner at the Compound. She made a crockpot of chili.

Mom: [to Brian] Have I had your mom’s chili before?
Me: [in the backseat] Yep
Mom: Was it good?
Me: Nope

She bragged that it was such an easy recipe, with very little seasonings in it. The chili was literally a crock pot full of ground beef, red beans, a single diced tomato, and a hint of onion. If any of those ingredients had a flavor to start, she cooked it out of them. She told us that she had only put a little bit of cayenne pepper in it, until Brian’s father suggested she add some garlic to it. SHE SAID THIS LIKE THE LACK OF SEASONINGS WAS A GOOD THING.

I tried to get some spin time, opting to go outside for a little while in the afternoon and when we got back from dinner. I was trying to work out some move or another, I think. Regardless, I wasn’t out there for very long in the afternoon. The sun was pretty strong in the front yard. Mom and Brian went to help unload his uncle’s trailer, and I stayed home and tried to practice moves in the living room. Sometimes it’s easier to work out new things inside, where I’m forced to be slow and careful because any slip up and I can take out a lamp or the tv or the front window.

I managed to spend about 20 minutes outside in the dark, and that would be a generous estimate. I’m not sure if I was just overloaded from playing with them earlier in the day, or if I just wasn’t feeling it. The humidity made me feel like I was breathing through mud, it was even worse than the afternoon. Then, I was frustrated as hell because my phone overheated and stopped in the middle of recording again, leaving me with only 5 minutes of video.


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