Damn your love, damn your lies

Damn your love, damn your lies

Happy weekend, my friends. It’s Saturday, and it’s already beautiful outside. I’ve just watched the anchors on Good Morning America fuck up a mother’s day surprise.

I took a drive yesterday and went to a local CBD shop. They’re only about a 10 drive from the house. I bought some Delta-8 gummies and an enormous rice crispy treat. They also gave me a free joint. I was very proud of myself for getting home almost entirely on my own, even though it wasn’t the same route I drove to get there.

Since it was such a beautiful day, I played outside for a little while after lunch.

I also took advantage of the nice evening to spend an hour or so outside after dinner. That was where the real fun was, because it’s dark, I’ve got the good poi lit up, and I’m alone. For the most part, however, I sat in the house and read my book. That’s probably exactly what I’ll do today as well.

I need to assume my human form and pretend to be an adult.


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