

Good morning, world. Welcome to the weekend. My weekend started about four hours ago, when I woke up and then tried to angrily doze for the remaining time I was in bed. I might have worked out how to solve one of the Breath of The Wild shrines Shawshank was in last night. Eventually, I just laid in bed, head under the covers, and played on my phone.

Yesterday was a moneymaking day for me. I ran another live stream on TikTok, and someone tipped me $0.50 over there (which I have no idea to retrieve and never expect to see). The best comment I saw was “oh honey no. NO”. While I didn’t make any money in the morning shower, someone bought about $15 worth of other smut on my spicy side of the internet. I guess you could say I’m kinda a big deal.

I spent much of the afternoon just fucking around in general. I’m still trying to figure out the best spot to set up my phone. I pulled out my leviwand for shits and giggles, and used that as a warmup toy.


I’m trying to play with this one more often. probably never be in any of my live streams, but still fun to jazz with. #flowarts #flowartsmovement #leviwand

♬ Drop It Like It’s Hot – Snoop Dogg

I have a love/hate relationship with the leviwand. I want to love it, I want to feel like a magical woodland creature. Unfortunately, as a flow prop, the leviwand requires some bit of ability to move one’s body in a rhythmic way. I don’t have that. When I pick up my wand, I don’t feel graceful or magical. I feel like I’m part of a terrible SNL skit where the punchline makes fun of modern/interpretive dance. However, I made the effort to play with it yesterday, regardless of how I thought it looked.

I didn’t stream with it. I already know how those comments would turn out.

We’re driving out to Slightly BiggerTown today. Since we did the big grocery shopping last week, we don’t really have anything major to buy, and we’re really only going out to buy weed. Furthermore, Shawshank wants to make me a special dinner, but I don’t know what I want. Since he’s working the first half of the day, I have all morning to contemplate what I want to eat. I’ll put some clothes on and figure out something.


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