Good morning, world. We’re up. There’s coffee. Chaucer seems to want a lap to sit on. My laptop is whirring.
We had a decent Friday. Shawshank had the day off, so we crammed a bunch of typical weekend activities into the morning. We drove out to Slightly BiggerTown to hit the shopping circuit. The drive was nice, and it was a gorgeous day in general. We’re in the thick of the growing season and everything is green again. The canola is blooming. Neither of our phones can properly capture the colors.
Within an hour or so we’d finished the grocery shopping, as well as visited both the pharmacy and discount shop. We made a quick stop at the dispo, then picked up lunch, and left town. The return trip was just as pretty.
Shawshank napped in the afternoon, so I played some Monster Hunter. I’ve been doing 5★ quests for the village and I’ve only just figured out how to capture monsters rather than just hunting them. I also completed a major battle, which opened up a whole bunch of new weapons. Unfortunately, when I created this character, I immediately dumped her in the best gear I had access to. I can forge all these fantastic-looking armors, but nothing compares in stats to the wildly overpowered armor I got from the DLC. And that gear looks like ass. At this point, I wouldn’t know what to do if I had to pay that much attention to my health.