crap bins

Hello, world. The sun is out and – more importantly – the skies are clear. There’s no wind. It’s a nice morning. Both cats are sitting on the little table in the sun. I have coffee. I don’t care if you do, this is mine and I’m not sharing..

Yesterday, I was hella productive, and channeled my inner Sims basement-slave-art-goblin. As soon as Shawshank left, I organized all the stuff I’d need. I even pre-threaded some bobbins, set up an extra table to hold the pile of fabric, and sat down in the kitchen at the machine. Nearly two hours later, I had finished up the last major part of another three (or four, I can’t remember) pairs of pants. Before I install their elastic, I’ll iron all of them. It’s much easier to iron that amount of fabric before I cinch everything up. Otherwise, it’s like trying to iron a giant, closed up drawstring pouch. While I iron, I’ll trim loose threads and decide if I’ll keep anything for me. I also have an idea brewing in my head for a small addition that might make shit interesting.

Only after the crafts did I allow myself some time to play Just Dance. The game makes for a good gap filler during the afternoon. It was too early to start making dinner, and I didn’t want to get sucked into the couch with the controller glued to my hands. I didn’t go crazy, and only played for about 45 minutes. Honestly, if I’d eaten lunch later or had an afternoon snack, I probably could have gone longer. Either way, I managed to make it through two playlists, and did surprisingly well. I unlocked some rewards that I don’t give a single, solitary shit about.

After dinner, I closed all the curtains and turned on the black light.


had the place to myself tonight so I enjoyed some night lights ✨ #flowartist #flowarts #moodhoops #leviwand

♬ Orgasmic – WonkyWilla

I fired up a live stream and enjoyed some spin time, both with the poi and the leviwand. Using the wand in a stream is a new thing for me. While I’m definitely better than I was when it arrived in February, I still struggle a bit to

  • keep it going for more than a minute or so
  • recover fumbles in a way that doesn’t make it obvious I fucked up in the first place.

I didn’t stream too long (about an hour) because no one fucking watches and it’s discouraging to “perform” for an empty audience. While I had a lot of fun with both props, I came to one very important conclusion. If I’m going to use the black light, I really need some fluorescent clothes.

Shawshank has today off. The weather forecast for the day looks like it should be pretty nice, and I might get the chance to play outside. I have a shipment of hair extensions coming in the mail today, which is gonna be a load of fun for me to install this week. Our only other plans for today are a trip to Shady Acres to reset the iPad, and to the secondhand shop. We have something to donate, and I want to look through their scrap fabric bins again.

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