Can’t we all just get along?

Can’t we all just get along?

Hello, world. Welcome to Monday. I’m up, and have been for a couple of hours now, because that’s what I do. The cats are still being kept apart because their attitudes suck. Shawshank and I swapped cats last night, and he took the bedroom with Chaucer while I took the couch with Pippin. At the moment, Pippin is watching from the top of the fridge again. Both have been fed, and we’re hoping things settle down tonight. Maybe we can all share a bed tonight.

Yesterday, we drove out to Slightly BiggerTown for some shopping and lunch. We didn’t do much else. Shawshank dumped my suitcases out on the bed and I sorted what would go in the dresser and what went in the closet. I set up a Canadian phone number.

I think most of today will be spent supervising the kids. Pippin really wants to check out Chaucer. Half the time she’s staring at him or trying to edge closer to him. The rest of her time is spent trying to ignore him. She slept on my feet last night.

Chaucer, on the other hand, has taken lessons from Knickknack over the last two years, and is being an absolute bitch. If he can see Pippin, he’s growling at her. I predict that in a couple of hours, their attitudes will switch, and she’ll be growling while he stalks. Hopefully they settle down a bit. Pippin is already trying to get shit back to normal, it’s just Chaucer who’s being a dick.

Aside from that, laziness today.


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