Due North

Good morning, world. It’s a foggy morning, and I have no idea what to expect for the weather anymore. The air temp is half what I normally wake up to, but whatever. That’s TinyTown for you.

After a lot of bullshit, I left Pensacola on Tuesday and headed northward for TinyTown. I arrived here yesterday afternoon. Shawshank‘s mom met up with me in Bismarck on Friday afternoon, where we had rooms at a trap house Motel 6. Saturday morning, I moved most of the contents of my truck into hers, handed her an itemized list of what was in my boxes and said goodbye to Chaucer, and we headed out. I headed due north once more – for an extra 15 minutes driving time, I would be able to visit Manitoba before I hit Saskatchewan.

The first leg of the day was about 2 and a half hours. I saw more North Dakota. It was foggy, and wind turbines in that situation look absolutely alien. I chewed all my fingernails off due to anxiety in the last 20 minutes before I reached the border. My truck got the full glove and flashlight treatment, with two of Canada’s finest looking through my suitcase and milk crate. One was tasked with flipping through all my CD cases. Someone probably had to handle my Divacup. Sorry, dude.

Chaucer is sitting on the back of the couch. He has decided it’s perfect for looking out the living room window without actually needing to be at the window. Shawshank just let Pippin out of the bedroom, and she’s helping him do morning things when she’s. Introductions have not been going well. We’re hoping the two of them settle down a bit more today. For the moment, there is a lot of supervision.

Today, we’re going shopping. They’ll be separated while we’re out, at least until things get better between them.

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