Good morning, everyone. We’ve reached the end of the week. We’ve puttered around getting the floors cleared for the robot. Together, it all means this is Friday and Date Night. There’s a little bit of cool breeze coming in the front door, and overcast skies for the moment, but we’re expecting the temps to go up about 20°🦅 warmer than yesterday.

I pulled out a bunch of fabric to work on things yesterday. I have one pair that only needs elastic to be finished. There are about three pairs in various states of assembly, in what I consider stage 1 or 2. They’re either cut and pinned, or have their first seams sewn up. The sewing would probably take me 30 minutes, tops. But…. it probably involves refilling some bobbins. For some absolutely baffling reason, I fucking hate bobbining. To me, refilling bobbins is a pointless requirement. Why do I need to fill this bullshit thing if I’m going to empty it in 15 minutes? I firmly believe all spools of thread should come with a matching, fully filled bobbin, so I don’t fucking need to fill bobbins.
I was able to enjoy some spin time yesterday. At the end of the afternoon, I’d made $0.35. Watch out, world. With today’s weather, I might be forced to move outside. Maybe I’ll spin on the front walkway, where I’m closer to our WIFI signal.
Today’s agenda isn’t set in stone, I’m going to hop in the tub with the headphones while the robot vacuums, as usual. I’ll sew after I become human. Since we’re going out to eat tonight, I can’t do the crazy clown makeup again. And that makes me sad.