Hello, my friends. It’s sunny this morning, but we’re still under a thunderstorm advisory. I guess that’s why I’m feeling a hint of humidity in the air.
We enjoyed our day out. Since we weren’t going anywhere that had a late opening time yesterday, I managed to dress myself moderately early in the morning. The drive out to Slightly BiggerTown was clear, even if it wasn’t sunny. The landscape is changing. The pastures are green, and buds are coming out on all the trees.

Baby cows* are everywhere. It’s been a bumper crop of bovine babies.
After a 4-minute delay at a train crossing, we made one last stop on our way out of town, grabbing sandwiches for lunch. We only managed to forget a couple of things we needed this week. To be fair, none of those things were on the shopping list, either.

I finished the Spiderpants. They are the first pair I made with the new cardboard pattern, and I used the full length of it. As a result, I can wear them up on my waist or slung low on my hips. I think they turned out pretty well. I’ll probably add a note to the cardboard, and maybe a few markings for different length pants.
The matching shirt I worked on all morning? Not so great. I have a much simpler shirt idea to experiment with on the next sheet(s). Shawshank pointed out that I can pick up more elastic in a couple of weeks, when we go into the city in a couple of weeks.
Unfortunately, I only have two sheets left to play with until then. 😭
Today is chore day. Shawshank‘s already put a load of clothes in the washer. Later, we’ll go to Shady Acres for dinner. Mostly, we’re going to sit around like bumps on logs.
* “Calves”, everyone corrects. Moose, elk, rhinos and giraffes, they all have calves. So do whales. And ice bergs. I fucking know they’re called calves. I simply don’t give a shit.
LOL! mooooo!
They’re everywhere. On quiet nights, sometimes we can hear them from the house. 🐄