

And with Thursday’s arrival, the mornings full of sunshine are gone. It’s been overcast since sunrise. I won’t even begin to figure out what the actual fuck was up with my sleep this morning. We’re back to the five hour sleeps, I guess. I’ve been waking hella early, before the alarm, and usually go back to sleep. Unfortunately, I had no such luck this morning.

I played a bunch of Just Dance yesterday, then forced myself outside for another half an hour. The spin time was much needed, and the weather was almost perfect. Not super warm, but sunny and barely a breeze. If I would wear proper fucking clothes, I probably would have stayed outside longer. After a hour-ish of whipping up a froth with Just Dance, the slight breeze was just a little bit too cool for my liking.


The weather cooperated long enough for me to spend a few minutes outside this afternoon. Then the clouds came in and I went back inside the house. And now I’m bored. #flowarts

♬ Feeling Good – Nina Simone

I’ll figure out what to do today. I’ve already wished my mother a happy birthday. Shawshank will be home in the afternoon and has promised me a trip to the secondhand shop. I have no idea what we’re going to do for dinner.


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