because of course I bought more

because of course I bought more

Morning, y’all. Happy Sunday. I can already feel it: this coffee isn’t big enough.

We went out yesterday, as expected. I bought a few things while grocery shopping. I briefly stopped in housewares to look at jars and storage containers to look at possibilities for terrariums, in case I find anything at the plant place. Then, I stopped myself:

I didn’t know if I was going to find anything at the plant place. Logically, if there was no guarantee I’d have new plants, there was no reason to buy a container.

Of course, I bought fucking plants.

I went full plant person and bought carnivorous plants.

I picked out a Venus flytrap and a sundew. They’re both very small right now. I specifically got two of the smallest I could find. Neither are big plants. Flytraps are generally pretty short, but I’m not 100% sure how tall the sundew might grow.

Today, we’re going to the Compound for Easter dinner. I bought an Easter dress in the kids’ section of Walmart yesterday. I look fucking adorable.


  1. I’d be afraid if I found and bought a Venus fly trap, that it would die because of lack of actual flies in here.

    • crystal

      They only need little ones, and it’s not like it’s daily 🪰

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