beat down

beat down

Happy Friday, my world. The weekend days are here, and yesterday’s winds are finally dying down a bit. At the moment, the skies are grey and streaked with peeks of sunshine and it’s not supposed to get much higher temps than I’d have seen in a northern Spring. Last night wasn’t a great sleep; it took a little while to actually get to sleep, and Mal woke me up at least twice throwing up.

Chaucer is teasing Knickknack by rolling on the floor in front of her. Occasionally, he stands up and hops around at her, trying to entice her to play. Knickknack responds with her best Homie the Clown glare, sans beatdown.

As for me, I’m ok. My anxiety has been tweaky as hell over the last day or two. It’s a combination of worry about my trip north, worry about Mal, and worry about the ER bill. My head hasn’t been a great place to be the last week. The email from the airline yesterday didn’t help matters, what with the ominous PLEASE CALL US IMMEDIATELY ABOUT YOUR FLIGHT subject line. Schedule change. I should expect it. That’s what happened when you book a flight 2 months out.

I ate an actual dinner last night. I had a decent lunch. It wasn’t as much as I usually eat, but honestly, that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Over the last two years, my portion control has become completely nonexistent. Last night, I had a twinge of gall bladder pain, so I know damned well I’m way out of whack again. I’m throwing out all my bad-for-me snack foods later, when I start cleaning the kitchen up.

Yesterday’s coffee was a bad idea. I was very jittery all morning, which didn’t help matters any when it comes to anxiety. I opted to skip the coffee this morning.

Today: real clothes, and assuming human form.

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