

Hello, world. Happy Tuesday. The temp is already feeling 91°🦅 (or 33°🦫) out there. The sky is weird again. Our forecast looks like it will be a repeat of last week: miserably hot as long as the sun is shining. WTF Florida.

The Jars of Dirt

  • 🐌 55 snails removed
  • 🐌 4 AWOL in the bedroom

I’m still battling the larger centipede in the Apothecarium. I’ve found four tiny ones and removed them from the ecosystem. The two transplanted ecosystems, Teensycola and Fern Gully, seem pretty damned pleased with their new homes. Once Teensycola’s springtail population rebounds a bit more, I’ll move some more into Fern Gully.

The cavalcade of snails has slowed to only one or two every week. Unfortunately, the larger centipede remains in the Apothecarium. At this point, I won’t even attempt to add more springtails to that ecosystem while it’s alive. They’d just be food to it.

Mom has bedding and towels in the wash. She wants to move some bricks from one garden plot to another today. Between yard work and physical therapy this afternoon, I expect misery this evening.

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