Awkwardness Ensued

Awkwardness Ensued

Yo. Happy Friday. It’s Friday again. I had yet another crappy sleep because my cat is an asshole. I’ll have to make an effort to wear both our asses out today. Maybe he won’t be a bastard at bedtime if he’s tired, and I’ll be able to sleep through the night.

Every year, Shawshank and I splurge on pointless stuff with our tax refund. Last year, it was a fuckton of Warhammer 40k minis and a birthday dinner. This year was no different, and I got something I’ve wanted for a while now: LED handles for my poi.

I feel like I’m back at square one again, I’m incredibly awkward with them. My first poi had finger loops on the tethers, which are perfectly fine if that’s your style. When Shawshank bought me my first set of proper poi from Flowtoys, I switched to knob handles, using what I call a “brass knuckle” grip. These new handles, however, are cylindrical, which forces me to hold them differently.

They’re also heavier, so I have to relearn how much english to put on them when I toss them. I haven’t been doing throws for very long, so I feel like it shouldn’t be super difficult to make the adjustment. I just feel clumsy as fuck.

We heard a popping sound about 30 minutes ago and have subsequently lost power, but we don’t know what or where it happened. From the power company’s website, it looks like we might be out for a few hours.

I should put some clothes on, assume human form, and go to Walmart.


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