Ask your doctor if my bullshit is right for you

Ask your doctor if my bullshit is right for you

Yay, Friday. It’s the end of the week for me, however, after a look at my schedule, I’ll actually be a bit busy. Tomorrow morning, I’ll drive down to my sister’s house to drop off some toys for my nephew. Sunday, both cats go to the vet for their shots. Monday, I have a glorious day off.

I dreamed that I lost half of the the stuff to bring my nephew. In the dream, I brought a box of Lego to him, only to discover it was missing most of the bricks. I was terribly upset, because it meant I needed to make another trip, and I was worried about gas money. Such is the eternal Rhode Islander problem:

an innate dislike of anything more than a 10 mile drive.

Yesterday’s shift went ok. It felt longer than it usually does. I went to lunch a little bit late due to parking lot drug deals. We have two patients who can’t/won’t come into the pharmacy. One is the patient that collapsed on me in the parking lot a couple of months ago. We run her stuff out because we don’t want her collapsing again; if she has that much trouble, why she still drives is beyond us. The other is one who is immunocompromised, and can have everything delivered to her except her meds. Both had called to let us know they would be picking up, so I went to lunch late because I’m the only one who handles their orders. Plus, the second patient always tips.

I talked with Mom last night; she always has an uncanny ability to call while I’m on the phone with Shawshank. I’m sure it’s just a combination of time zones, wanting to call after I come home from work, and not wanting to disturb my dinner. She’s stopped the weekly questions about yard sales and has moved on to variations of “are you ready to put the house on the market?”. I told her I’m getting very close to the point of “how much can I get for it just the way it is?” rather than trying to fix up everything. The border is closed, and I told her that if it’s not open when I sell, I’ll head south.

Mom’s also very keen to see what I can do with the new poi.

Poi update: still no poi.

She asked how much longer I need to wait for them. On the other hand, she wisely didn’t ask how much they cost or where I got the money for them.

I’ve already managed to fit in my morning workout today. The cats spent most of the time in the window because it was like fucking Wild Kingdom on the roof, with no less than four different bird species out there this morning. It was a fabulous upper body workout, 55 minutes, appropriately named “jell-o arms”. I’m sure I’ll feel it tomorrow, if not sometime later tonight. Carrying the cat carriers out to the truck on Sunday might be trouble.

Today is another shift with StressedRPh. I’m hopeful, but I won’t be overly optimistic about the way the day will go. I need to stop at the pet store and buy food for the boys. I may make a stop to buy something yummy for dinner or some tasty drinks.

Oh well. It’s time to assume the human form and get on with the day.


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