Are we best friends? Are we somethin’

Yo, it’s Wednesday. Get up. Do the things. Pippin is on top of the fridge, watching the sun rise over the rooftops of the apartments across the street. The coffee is coffee-shaped.

Yesterday was another low-key day. I put on makeup while Shawshank helped out at Shady Acres, and that was the extent of our activity for the day. He came home and put on a movie, I played Slay the Spire between sessions of doom scrolling on Reddit. The cats alternated between fighting over Shawshank‘s lap and lounging in sunbeams. We had a proper dinner – at least two pans were used for its creation.

Shawshank goes back to work this afternoon. He’s scheduled for mostly closing shifts for the next two weeks. It’s weird, I feel like we spent more time together on days he closes than when he opens the store. I can’t even begin to explain why it seems this way to me. Regardless, I’m not making plans for the afternoon. As much as I’d like to say “I’m going to ______”, I know myself too well. I’ll probably play some Just Dance because I haven’t in a week. I have grand plans to make some nun-themed Halloween smut, then I look at the scheduled post calendar and see things scheduled through Halloween and lazylogic-brain whispers if you do it, you’ll need to reschedule everything for the next two weeks.

It wouldn’t be that difficult, it’s just tedious. I’ve already dealt with the most annoying parts of posting; rescheduling the posts is simply a matter of changing the calendar. And honestly, subscribers won’t care if I post it before or after Halloween. The bigger problem is feeling warm enough to be half naked for an hour or so this afternoon.

Oh well. That’s the Wednesday post. I’m going to hop in the shower and assume a human form.


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