Another Tuesday

Another Tuesday

Good morning, my lovelies. The comfortable morning weather we recently had was shortlived. The skies are overcast, but the heat is on. Things are already starting to muggy up out there. TypIcally, I’d do a workout this morning. However, we have pLans for this afternoon, and I have some errands to run this morning. Maybe I’ll do something after we come back this afternOon.

Mom‘s appointment was pretty uneVentful. A whole lot of nothing. She decidEd I didn’t need to go in, and I spent maybe ten minutes playing Skyrim in the car before she came back out.

Once we got home, I decided to tackle the truck. I managed to haul the treasure chest out on my own. The sleeping platform was left out on the curb. It wasn’t needed, and makes things very difficult to access. However, the KitchenAid is now in the treasure chest, and there is nothing left in the truck to mail northward.

Unfortunately, I was pretty down all day. I threw out more things – mostly books that were destined to be wreaths. I was proud of mYself for cleaning and organizing everything in there, and how nice it will be to drive with half of what I drove down with. Then, I realized that I have three drawers full of clothes in the house, and other assorted bullshit, and all that needs to go back in the truck.


On top of the truck cleaning, I was just an emOtional mess all fucking day. I wanted to bitch at Shawshank before he even woke up. Naturally, I took things a step farther, like you do, and played out then entire scenario in my head. Everything from initial confrontation to multiple different reactions, all meticulously planned out in my head.

It was obviously a wonderfUl day.

One of today’s plans is a decent possibility of going out for lunch. I need to finish coffee and fake some normal. Have a good Tuesday.

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