And I had a feverish dream

And I had a feverish dream

Good morning, happy Friday. I woke up to thunder, and I’m happy about it. I like thunder. At the moment, it’s a low rumble.

Yesterday was a day of mistakes.

Just before I got up to start my clothes/makeup, I received a text from Mom. They gave her some sort of injection for her current flavor of issues and preferred if someone else could drive her home. I drove Brian up to the urgent care, dropped him off at the door, and headed back to the house. Just as I turned onto our street, I realized I don’t have keys to the house. Mom texted an apology. None was needed; I sat on the front patio and watched the morning storm come in.

At some point in the afternoon, I tried to show my mom a funny cat video on Reddit app, and made the mistake of trying to enable the clip’s sound. In doing so, I somehow swiped my fingers across the screen in whatever arcane gestures are used to persuade the universe to skip to the next link on my Reddit feed.

My friends, that link was NOT A CAT VIDEO.

I spent a lot of the day in my chair. I masked off highlights on the last batch of sketches. Since most of the new sketches are simple foods, I might set up a base camp on my bed and try painting indoors for a change. Additionally, I would like to test the technique I want to use on the kraken painting.

For all that lack of activity, I went to bed exhausted. I said good night to Shawshank, popped some melatonin and hit the sauce, and settled in bed. Then, my body played a game of beat-the-clock against itself. Did I already brush my teeth? Do I need to pee one more time? Should I spend all the money I made selling off flow props on a single, newer prop?

The answer is yes.

The new poi will be here in about a month.


    • crystal

      These were sitting in a tab for nearly the last week, with another two tabs open with info on different rope options. Pretty sure I told Shawshank a few days ago that I was “one bad day away from buying them”. It was only a matter of time. 🙂

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