Almost so close

Almost so close

Morning, folks. Welcome to Wednesday. It’s cold.

When I walk out that door on Thursday night, that entire pharmacy will be in some major trouble. First, they had two promising applicants interviewed for my replacement. One would be hired at full time, and the other as part time. Both were offered positions the Monday before Christmas. The part time applicant rejected the offer. The full time applicant ignored the offer email. When StressedRPh called her to find out if she was still interested, the applicant hung up on her. There was an interview yesterday afternoon, and the applicant was about 15 minutes late.

In addition to the problems hiring someone new, StressedRPh is ridiculously close to just ripping NewTech‘s still-beating heart directly out of her chest and feeding it to her. I worked with NewTech for about three hours yesterday. At some point before my arrival, she gave a patient the wrong medication. On the surface, it’s understandable how it happened. The patients have the same name, same pronunciation, with a letter difference. We’ll say their names are Sue Smith and Sue Smithe. Sue Smithe came in, asked for her order, and was sent home with Sue Smith’s order.

However, NewTech didn’t do a single thing that would have prevented this from happening. First, she didn’t look up the order in the computer. If she had, she would have seen both of the orders. Second, we’re supposed to verify the patient’s address and phone number. We verify the address, the patient types in the last four digits of their phone number into the pinpad. Sue Smithe came in, NewTech asked her to punch her phone number in, and the system rejected it. Does NewTech verify the patient’s address at all? Nope. She goes into Sue Smith’s profile and updates her phone number. Now Sue Smith has Sue Smithe’s number so the verification system “worked”. Later, Sue Smith came in and it was a whole thing. StressedRPh had to call Sue Smithe and have her bring back Sue Smith’s order.

What’s worse, NewTech has had this issue forever. StressedRPh is forever telling her to verify the patient’s address. That’s how we fucking verify. StressedRPh yelled at her to verify a patient’s address literally 45 minutes before the Smith/Smithe problem came to light. The new pharmacist came in at 2pm, and StressedRPh filled him in on what had happened. As it happens, NewTech fucked up on Saturday as well. She filled a flu shot order under the wrong patient. In that case, it wasn’t even a similar name. She simply used a patient’s birthday to locate him in the system, but chose another patient with the same birthday.

Then I came home. The house inspection was yesterday. I hate having people in the house. I always find evidence that people have been there and it feels violating. Yesterday, Chaucer‘s stool was moved across the kitchen and left right in front of the fridge. Both cats’ dishes were moved. The bathroom rug was moved, the shower curtain was wide open. They left at least one closet open. I haven’t gone upstairs yet, but I’m sure everything was opened up there. It feels terrible coming home and knowing that someone has gone through all of my stuff. Hopefully, it’s one of the last times.

Two more shifts. We’ll hopefully have some more of an idea of what’s happening with the house soon. Then I can work on moving out.


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