All Fours Across the Board

All Fours Across the Board

Ah… Friday. Fucking Friday. You certainly took your sweet time to get here.

I made it through four of the five days of my work week. I didn’t snap at anyone. I’m scheduled for another late shift, and I’m ok with that because I’ll spent the morning upstairs with the weights. My workout is all planned. Later this morning, someone is supposed to pick up some of the books I put up for sale a couple of weeks ago.

In an effort to start the workout as early as possible, I’m already dressed and ready to go. My workout yesterday was beyond gross. I finished up incredibly sweaty. I stripped down and hopped in the shower and started panicking because I could hear something that sounded like a heavy drip… drip… drip… sound. Loud. My panic turned to disgust when I discovered the noise was the sweat dripping out of my bra, which I’d hung from something.


Workout complete: 75 minutes. Not as sweaty as yesterday, but it was a good workout.

StressedRPh has to finish the tech reviews by Monday. Until this year, corporate had the techs writing up their own reviews, rating ourselves and backing up our ratings with examples of what we do that demonstrates the core values of the company. Then the pharmacy manager would add their input on what the techs write. It was ridiculous; why should we write our own reviews? What’s the point, since nothing we write has any bearing on what the final review is? It’s not as though what I rate myself is going to be what gets me a raise.

They changed things this year, and now the techs simply rate themselves on how they meet the core values, and we can add examples if we want. I consistently rate myself all 4’s on their scale of 5. Fours means you’re fucking awesome. Anything higher than that means you delivered a baby in the parking lot or brought someone back to life, at the very least. DayTech panics about whether she should rate herself higher than a 3, and she’s definitely fucking awesome.

NewTech rated herself 4’s.

While I was doing my workout, StressedRPh texted and asked if I’d be willing to work NewTech’s shift tomorrow. No problem.

Let’s finish the week with a good shift. Tonight, I’ll celebrate the awesome workout and the surprise extra shift with a delicious dinner.


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