Good morning, lovelies, and happy Saturday. The sun’s up, the coffee’s hot, the cat’s between us. All that is well and good, but how about I ramble about my shitty sleep last night instead? I crashed hard last night and barely remember going to sleep. I’ve been up since around 4:30ish again. I don’t know what woke me up, but I didn’t go back to sleep. Shawshank wrote that he was tossy-turny. That’s probably my fault.

Shawshank came home for lunch yesterday with a proposition. He had shown some of my poi videos to the social media woman at work. She’s one of the people running the town’s haunted house, and this year’s theme is sort of an evil carnival vibe. Would I be willing to come spin in the outside waiting areas?

I completely jinxed myself. Yesterday, I posted “I want to avoid being too much of a hermit.” As a result, I’m probably spending this weekend trying to cobble together a suitable dark carnival/evil circus costume that will keep me warm outside while still being form-fitting enough to spin poi in a flowy way. Then I need to figure out what I can do for makeup with what I have, or if I want to drive 45 minutes to Slightly BiggerTown to buy some supplies.

But first, I need to charge all the toys.


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