A Little of Everything

A Little of Everything

Greetings, gentle readers. It’s Thursday. I’m sure you know that already. The weekend is one step closer. For some of us, weekends are just another day.

Mom was out for a few hours yesterday, cleaning a friend’s house. I went out for a little while as well, and made it to all three places I needed to go. Mom was still out when I got home, so I changed into shorts and did a workout. I got to spin poi in the afternoon, and then later after dinner.

The spinning was good. I drilled in the afternoon. Not a lot, but I can’t keep it up with the repetitive stuff and still be able to have playtime after dinner. With the practice poi, I’m pretty confident in the newest move I’ve been working on: a split-time, same direction anti-spin wall-plane flower. Don’t worry if it means nothing to you. All you need to know is that it makes my shoulders sad. However, I’d actually say yesterday’s drilling was better than the actual playtime.

I spent most of the afternoon and evening playing Hades on the Switch. It’s a fun game. It’s repetitive by design, but that aspect has been seamlessly integrated into the game.

It was a good day.

We’re supposed to be going out today. I’m pretty sure Mom has a doctor’s appointment, but she has other places we need to go. I’ll believe it when I see it. Our first stop should be the donation center to get rid of the clothes. The second stop is Home Depot. Mom wants to buy a new lawn mower. The ride-on mower keeps dying, and the 15+ year old push mower is having some issue as well. Brian is absolutely not mechanically inclined, and years of his tinkering have taken their toll on both machines.

Ok, it’s time to get up and get the day going. Enjoy your day, my people.


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