Good morning, y’all. It’s morning, and we’re all up and ready to start the day. So far, it’s sunny and clear.

Unfortunately, summer is definitely a thing of the past. I closed Pippin’s window on the back door last week. This week, she’ll be lucky if we even leave the door open for her.
I got a lot of work finished yesterday. I probably spent at least 3 hours scheduling drops for the next two weeks. You’d think it would be easy: pick a photo/video, pick a preview, pick a date, write a caption, et voila, 🌶content🌶. No, I can’t have things easy like that. The Fansly has three tiers, and I want subs to have at least one post a day. Since I usually schedule at least two posts daily, I like to make sure one post is accessible to the bargain level. The drawback is having to keep track of what I’ve scheduled and what “heat level” things are. Plus, I make things more difficult for myself. I don’t like to dump a bunch of stuff with one “theme”, so it’ll be a mix of tiers 1+2 on the first day, then 1+3 the next, and maybe tier 1 and a freebie on another day. Eventually, I’ll figure out a way to organize things to make it easier when I schedule things.
Today, we’re having brunch. The laundry is already going, and brunch is in the near future. Shawshank loaded up “Twilight” and we’re set for the day.