a bucket of clothes and a bag on my head

a bucket of clothes and a bag on my head

We have made it to the promised land. None of this “Friday Jr.” or “Friday Eve”. It’s fucking Friday, my lovelies. Sunshine, cloudless skies.

I was in Hermit Girl mode yesterday. We went out for Mom‘s test in the afternoon. She was in and out in around 15 minutes. We need to go back on Monday to pick up a copy of the results. Other than that jaunt, I really didn’t leave my chair. The wind was too strong for paint or poi. I sat. I dyed my hair.

Honestly, I just didn’t give a shit yesterday.

After the joyous discovery that my new dab pen could convert and accept cartridges on Tuesday night, I didn’t actually try it until yesterday morning. I didn’t switch anything other than the device it was plugged into, and HOLY SHITBALLS. The difference is incredible. Whether this is because it’s a higher quality rig or just new, stronger heating elements, I don’t know. Nor do I care. All I know is that I had to do my makeup way higher than I normally am in the morning.

An added side effect of swapping the cart onto the better rig? Even after I put it back in the original vape, it seems to be improved.

It’s laundry day. I need to sort a little out, I have some I can put in. We’re also going into Alabama for shopping with Brian’s mom and friend, which means probably lunch as well. In these post-Lent times, we don’t have fish and chips from the VFW. However, this could signal the return of Chinese buffet Fridays.

We’ll see how this plays out.


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