more fun than a bathtub full of Froot Loops

Hey look! The weekend is here! It’s Saturday! FUCK YEAH SATURDAY.

As planned, we went to Alabama yesterday. It was a road trip to the Piggly Wiggly and if that’s not the most South thing I’ve ever typed ever, am I right?

We also had lunch at the pizza buffet. Total trash buffet, but I still ate it, and happily did so. It’s difficult to really fuck up pizza. Pizza has no physical boundaries. Pizza simply is.



We had Chinese buffet for dinner. Yesterday was a fucking cavalcade of trashy food. I even ate that staple of all Chinese buffets: chocolate pudding.

We can also add terrarium maintenance to the day’s festivities. I wiped down Vault 5’s walls and left it open to dry out for a few hours. The springtail colony survived the fall, but are congregated in the drainage area still. This morning, I noticed a few hanging out by the holes that lead up to the surface. Unfortunately, I have no way of knowing if they’re the surface dwellers transplanted from the Apothecarium, or morlocks.

Today is the regularly scheduled grocery trip. I never did laundry yesterday, and I’m not sure if I’ll do it today or tomorrow. I think I’ll hold off until Monday. Brian plans to mow the lawn this weekend. I don’t want all that lawn shit blowing into my clothes while they dry. I have a week of sunny days on the forecast, and at least that much clean underwear.

No big rush.

One Comment

  1. April 23, 2022

    The piggly wigglys around here are long gone Wally world

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