At least we’re not the Ya-Ya Sisterhood.

At least we’re not the Ya-Ya Sisterhood.

It’s Monday again.

Our weekend, as always, was too short. My Saturday workout was so good I’m still feeling it. The Saturday shopping was a cheaper than expected, always a pleasant surprise at this time of year. We spent Saturday afternoon trying a first run on Gloomhaven, which ended up involving a lot of stopping to check the rules. The gaming started up again on Sunday morning. By the end of our session, at this point late Sunday afternoon, we weren’t checking things as much.

“What’s our party’s name?” he asked while we took a break for lunch.

“I had a dream you asked me that,” I replied. “I told you in the dream we were called the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants.” And so it was.

BossRPh spent Thursday and Friday in a complete tizzy about today. Our previous trip of mentor people (two techs and one pharmacist) left on Thursday, and were replaced with one tech, who was off all day yesterday and won’t be in until later today. It’s DayTech‘s late shift as well, which means it’ll be me and BossRPh on our own for the morning. BossRPh was/is so freaked out about the prospect of being “on our own” for half the day that she was trying everything she could to get either me or DayTech to switch shifts with a tech from another district who is more familiar with the new system. We’re expecting nothing but rain today, and that usually means it’ll be slow business.

It’ll be a little difficult, but I think we’ll be fine.

Still, I’m looking forward to finishing the day. He’s got an appointment tonight, and I’m going to ask if I can leave early to get him with enough time to drop me off at home.


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